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Hi there, I’m Nicole

I’m a Designer based in Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦

I come from an academic background in Linguistics and English Literature and a professional background in Communications, Marketing, Graphic Design, and Character Design.

I stumbled into UX while working on a video game project and was enthralled by the idea of human-centered design. Design crafted not simply to look eye-catching or appealing, but to fulfill the needs of its audience and to make solutions accessible to everyday people like me.

So after completing my undergrad at the start of a global pandemic, I decided to explore myself and my interests, and what began as a passion test expanded into a career.

And now I’m here.

I’m a UX Designer, Graphic Designer, Artist, and Storyteller, but I’m also…







That’s a little bit about me—I’d love to get to know you!

Feel free to reach out to me by:

Email: [email protected]